
Click on a button or image to view a photo series from some of our favourite projects

black and white portrait for business


Staff headshots for BNZ markets Auckland

Commercial Photography

Vodafone Xone

Environmental portraits of the finalists and recipients of the Vodafone Xone Innovation fund

brand photography auckland

Learn Coach

Branding photography, headshots and images for online, website and print advertising.

Beer festival photography

The Beer Festival 2020

The Beer Spot wanted fun and engaging images of the customers, brewers and brews.  Photographed over the weekend of the Beer Festival.  These were used for banding, Instagram, and online advertising.

Food photography

P&O Auckland Voyages

Stills of the chefs and their dishes promoting the sailings from Auckland, New Zealand.

Chef Portrait Photography

Sapa Kitchen

Images for the in-store, on-screen menu and online advertising.

professional photographer auckland

Land Rover Discovery

Photography for the New Zealand advertising campaigns

Advertising Images auckland

Mazda Infiniti

Photography for the Mazda Infiniti Q50 advertising campaigns

Commercial Photographer Auckland


Studio photography for Clincians for online and print advertising, promoting their new range of health products.

corporate headshots

Sky Television 

Management team headshots in both colour and black and white for the Sky NZ website and press releases.

Architectural exterior photography

Vodafone Christchurch Premises 

Architectural photography of the new Christchurch building for Vodafone New Zealand

Brand Identity photography

Vodafone Internal

A series of Vodafone branded images for internal communications

company black and white portrait

The Beer Spot Staff

Fun black and white headshots of the Beer Spot crew

Dei hamo photograph

Mai Fm

Portraits of some of New Zealands Hip Hop royalty